Central Research Development Team

Kim Holloway

Kim Holloway

Vice Provost for Research Development

Kim leads central Research Development, supporting college research priorities, interdisciplinary research institutes, and the global network of Northeastern campuses as they build out their research programs.



Trish Curtin

Trish Curtin

Director of Research Innovation & Strategic Partnerships

Trish leads strategic research development initiatives including center scale proposal development and enterprise-wide research collaborations with government, industry, and other research institutions.



Erin Hale

Erin Hale

Director – Research Development & Operations

Erin leads Research Development operations, including limited submissions and other strategic initiatives, and supports colleges that do not have in-house RD support.


Dana DeBari

Dana DeBari

Director – Government Relations & Strategic Projects in the Division of Research, Economic Development

Dana convenes an array of academic, industry, and government stakeholders in support of various economic development-related initiatives throughout Northeastern’s global research network.


Zac Perry

Zac Perry

Senior Research Development Officer

Zac supports Research Development for the College of Science as well as interdisciplinary and multi-college proposals.



Jenna Horan

Jenna Horan

Research Development Specialist, Internal Programs

Jenna supports the Research Development team and is the administrator of the TIER programs.


Garrett Morrow

Garrett Morrow

Research Development Officer

Garrett contributes to central Research Development activities and projects.


Dan Mueller

Dan Mueller

Research Development Officer

Dan contributes to central Research Development activities and projects.


Cari Roche

Cari Roche

Executive Assistant, Provost's Office for Research

Cari provides adminstrative support for Kim Holloway, Vice Provost Research Development, and other initiatives in the Provost’s Office for Research.


Collaborators in Colleges and Other Partners

Melinda Boehm

Melinda Boehm

Director of Research Development, Bouve College of Health Sciences

Melinda is responsible for supporting research activities in Bouve College of Health Sciences.


Hilary F.  Prosnitz

Hilary F. Prosnitz

Director of Research Development, NU-Charlotte Bouve College of Health Sciences and Institute for Experiential AI

Hilary is responsible for supporting research activities in Bouve College of Health Sciences at NU-Charlotte and for the Institute of Experiential AI


Liz Allen

Liz Allen

Associate Director of Research Development, College of Arts, Media and Design

Liz is responsible for supporting research activities in the College of Arts, Media and Design.


Mariah Nobrega

Mariah Nobrega

Assistant Dean for Research and Faculty Development, College of Engineering

Mariah provides strategic guidance and tactical support for COE research activities from early-career faculty development to center-scale initiatives.


Jessica Chace

Jessica Chace

Research and Faculty Development Specialist, College of Engineering

Jessica provides writing and proposal support for COE faculty across a range of research initiatives from high-impact publishing to early career submissions.



Helen Fawcett

Helen Fawcett

Director of Research Development for the College of Engineering

Helen is focused on large-scale and midscale grant proposal development and creating platforms to catalyze new research focus areas and potential interdisciplinary collaborations.


Vance Blankers

Vance Blankers

Associate Director for Research Development and Collaboration, College of Science

Vance is responsible for supporting College of Science research activities.


Kate Duggan

Kate Duggan

Associate Director of Research Development, College of Social Science and Humanities

Kate is responsible for supporting research activities in the College of Social Science and Humanities.


Andrea Stith

Andrea Stith

Director of Research Development, Khoury College of Computer Science

Andrea is responsible for supporting Khoury research activities.


Chris Saucier

Chris Saucier

Research and Alliance Development Manager, Roux Institute

Chris is focused on developing innovation-focused research partnerships in the areas of cybersecurity and communications.


Associate Deans for Research

Gene Tunik

Gene Tunik

Associate Dean of Research and Innovation, Bouve College of Health Sciences

Brooke Welles

Brooke Welles

Associate Dean for Research, College of Arts, Media and Design

Kaushik Chowdhury

Kaushik Chowdhury

Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering

Erin Cram

Erin Cram

Associate Dean for Research, College of Science

Francesca Grippa

Francesca Grippa

Associate Dean of Research, College of Professional Studies

Natasha Frost

Natasha Frost

Associate Dean of Research, College of Social Sciences and Humanities

Koen Pauwels

Koen Pauwels

Associate Dean of Faculty and Research, D'Amore McKim School of Business

Predrag Radivojac

Predrag Radivojac

Associate Dean of Research, Khoury College of Computer Science

Lua Kamál Yuille

Lua Kamál Yuille

Associate Dean for Research and Interdisciplinary Education, School of Law

Global University System Research Leaders

Jamie Jones Miller

Jamie Jones Miller

Regional Dean and CEO, Arlington, VA

Deniz Erdogmus

Deniz Erdogmus

Chief Technology Officer, Kostas Research Institute, Burlington, MA

David Luzzi

David Luzzi

Senior Vice Provost for Research and Vice President of the Innovation Campus at Burlington, MA

Angela Hosking

Angela Hosking

CEO and Regional Dean, Charlotte, NC

Brian Ball

Brian Ball

Head of Faculty, New College of the Humanities, London, UK

Geoff Trussell

Geoff Trussell

Vice President, Coastal Sustainability Institute, Nahant, MA

Christie Chung

Christie Chung

Interim Executive Director of the Mills Institute, Oakland California

Michael Pollastri

Michael Pollastri

Academic Lead, Roux Institute, Portland, ME

Evan Clarke

Evan Clarke

Associate Dean and Campus Administrator, Toronto, ON

Steve Eccles

Steve Eccles

Regional Dean and CEO, Vancouver, BC

Dave Thurman

Dave Thurman

Regional Dean and CEO, Seattle, WA

Priya M. Shimpi Driscoll

Priya M. Shimpi Driscoll

Interim Associate Dean of Research and Partnerships

Contact Research Development:

177 Huntington Ave | Boston MA, 02115